What's all the fuss? Bathrooms, that's what. Here's how you can make the home of your porcelain goddess, green. Speaking of which, let's start there. You ever sit there, doing your business and think "Gee, I bet there's gotta be a way to make a toilet without water, that doesn't smell, and maybe I could even use the out come in my garden." Ha Ha! Alas! There is! Sun-Mar makes a composting toilet that does just that, no water, no smell and the remains become compost for the garden!
What of sinks? Gore Design Co makes some crafty and earth friendly sinks that we'd be honored to call our own. Not only do they not use plastic, use a water based concealer, they cut down their need for new materials, and much more, but they also come in designs like we've never seen before! You can check them out above.
And shower heads? Shower heads come with a low flow option now too. Delta makes a great one called Fluidics H2OKinetics that lets you choose to low flow or not. From reviews we hear you can't tell the difference. So why not save some water, your hair won't mind, we promise.
So, there's a taste of some ways to design your bathroom with the you and the planet in mind. Have some ideas of your own? Let us know! Want more ideas? Let us know!